
Best Tips to Find Work in Mexico

Best Tips to Find Work in Mexico

If there is anything more daunting than moving home, moving country, or job-seeking it is without a doubt doing all three of them at once!

If this is the position you find yourself in we applaud your bravery, and offer some tips which can, if nothing else, make it much easier to find a job in your new home. Put some of the following tips into play and wait for opportunities to flow your way;

Useful Websites to Find work in Mexico

There are many websites which can help you to identify viable vacancies in your field and locale (all for free!). A popular and efficient site for this kind of endeavor is Craigs List; you can filter the employment results by location and job type, and with sites like Glassdoor you can also choose whether you want to see full time work in Mexico, part time work, or both! Sites like these can enable you to quickly get an idea of what vacancies are available in your new area.

Networking on and offline to find work in Mexico

The wonders of the internet have provided us with a plethora of platforms by which to achieve everyday goals and actions; we can socialize, job search, and entertain ourselves online. You can follow job sites and join groups on Facebook, but don’t limit yourself to online activity when it comes to either socialization or job seeking. People can be a fountain of local knowledge that would otherwise have gone untapped, so talk to your neighbors, to people in the library and supermarket, and be certain to talk to local business owners.

Company Research to find work in Mexico

Above and beyond all else the internet is an excellent tool for research; companies will often display not only their vacancies, but their ethics and values (and even a bit of their history). It always pays to be prepared when you go for a job interview so use this amazing tool to its best effect. You can also use these websites to contact local companies and pitch yourself, too!

Footwork in Mexico

We recommend that, even when you’re doing your research and getting contact details online, you make the time to do some good old fashioned legwork. Though this may seem like a dated approach nothing beats taking the time and energy to meet your prospective employers face to face. Take a walk and let your feet take you to new pastures, new opportunities, and a new career. After all you will have a better chance of showing your personality when you’re face to face with a person that you do if you’re simply sending an email.

So, when you moved to Mexico how quickly did you find work? Do you have any tips which you feel might help our readers to settle in and find success in their new home? If you do let us know in the comments section below; we want your success stories!