
Cancun Driving Tips

Cancun Driving Tips

If you are going to live and work in Cancun, you are probably thinking about buying a car when you arrive, or at least renting one from time to time to enjoy your free time and explore the area.

Everyone seems to have some dreadful story about bad driving experiences that have occurred in Mexico. Thankfully, most of these driving stories are just rumors that have been exaggerated. Nevertheless, you would do well to read the following tips and prepare for the worst when driving in Cancun to make sure you drive safely.

Keep Your Speed Down  

There are topes (tall speed bumps) located in and all around Cancun and the towns, so you should keep your speed down, because if you hit one of the topes it may damage your vehicle seriously. Potholes can also pose a threat to you and to your vehicle, because you won’t see them until it’s too late. If you do hit one of the topes or potholes and your vehicle is broken down, then you may be in luck if you encounter the Green Angels who are often about on the highways in their green trucks. The Green Angels are dispatched by the Department of Tourism in Mexico and they can assist you, though they are often hard to encounter.

Pass With Extreme Care 

Before you try to pass other cars you should make sure you have enough room, because you can’t estimate how fast the other cars are driving. If you happen to misjudge the passing space once you have tried to pass the other drivers will make it very hard for you to get back into the lane safely, and they do this as a punishment for you trying to pass them. Most of the highways don’t have shoulders, so there is nowhere that you can pull over and you may end up in a ditch!

Avoid Driving at Night 

This Cancun driving tip is a major one. Many of the fatal accidents that occur in Mexico generally happen at night. You might encounter drunk drivers, cars driving without their lights on, animals on the highways, potholes, topes and tourists who don’t know where they are going. Also, most of the highways don’t have reflective lines. If you will be driving in Mexico, then you will want to make sure that you reach your destination and back before darkness arrives.


Sundays Deserve Extra Vigilance   

In Mexico, Sunday is the day that is the day off for many workers, so you will want to be careful driving from Saturday evening through Monday morning and if you happen to be driving, then treat each car that you come in contact with as a drunken driver. This also goes for any pedestrians you might see walking by the side or roads or waiting to cross streets. Also, the 15th and the 30tho f each month is payday in Mexico and these days should also keep drivers alert for the same reasons.

Make Smart Choices 

Unfortunately, many tourists who come to Mexico for their vacation will often leave behind their common senses when they are driving here. The laws are much different in Mexico and the locals may appear to drive however they choose as they will let their kids hang out of the cars windows, drink and drive, a ton of people in the bed of their truck, and so much more, but that doesn’t mean you should do this too. If you wouldn’t drive and act like this in your own country, then why do you think it would be okay for you to do it here in Mexico? You shouldn’t drive like this in any country.