Tips before moving to another country

Whether it's for work or study, for a certain period of time or permanently, moving to another country is a big decision to take. It's hard to know where to start, which is why we created this list of tips to help you prepare yourself with everything you need to know before moving abroad. Especially if you are considering relocating to another country for work, this process can be a great opportunity for your career and to take advantage of it, you must first take into account the move, the new culture and perhaps a different language. For this, we share with you the steps to follow to be ready in terms of documentation, packing and more practical tips.
1. Prepare yourself mentally (every beginning is difficult).
Of course moving to another country can be complicated and stressful, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it. Moving abroad can cause big changes in your lifestyle and it's important to make this decision with climate, language, cultural differences and even work ethic in mind. Since this is a significant step, it is best to start organizing and planning in advance, doing small tasks or pending tasks in your free time so that when the moving day approaches, you are not under so much pressure.
2. New language and customs
When deciding to move to another country, one of the most complicated transitions can be adapting to the new language and customs. At the beginning it can be very useful to learn certain phrases to communicate the basics, for that you can carry a translation book or install an application; however, it will be essential to learn the language fluently, either for work issues from reading documents to writing important paperwork, as well as for social issues. Even if the official language in the destination country is your native language, remember that there may be words with different meanings and the colloquial language or vocabulary has been adapted to the customs and habits of each place.
Likewise, you can research about the habits and traditions of the country in question, such as festivities, food or how the population handles business and commercial relations, with the objective of preparing yourself and getting closer to the community around you.
3. Formalities and documentation
Before moving abroad, especially if the country speaks a different language than yours, it is important to find online guides in your language that can explain the legal procedures you will need to complete upon arrival. Many countries require specific documents and procedures, depending on the purpose of your move, whether it is for work, study or another reason.
These are some of the aspects you should take into account:
✔ Passport and Visa: make sure the validity is valid for the time you plan to stay plus another 6 months extra. If the country you plan to move to requires a visa make it a priority, as this process can be lengthy. You can check the website of the embassy of the country in question to find out how to get one and how long it takes. If you are moving for work and your company hires a good moving or relocation company, they will be able to provide you with all the information you need. Normally you need a special permit or visa to work legally, and some more developed countries have a system that consists of points to improve your chances of wanting to settle permanently.
✔ Cards: there will be a number of cards that identify you that will not be needed in the new country, you can collect them and keep them for when you need to return. The current student ID card may be useful to obtain discounts.
✔ Degrees: if it is for work purposes, consider that you may be asked for your professional degree translated into some language, if so, prepare it with time and investigate how to manage it at the university.
✔ Important documents: you may have important but not indispensable documents, such as a contract or Social Security information, and if you need them, it would not hurt to have them handy. You can take them with you or even file them and leave them with a close relative, so that if you need any of them, you can ask for the information.
Formalities to be cancelled:
✔ Bank direct debits: if you have charges or credits to an existing account, such as charges for memberships or magazine subscriptions, we recommend canceling them in advance.
✔ Telephone, water and electricity: investigate how long you have to cancel these services without penalties, especially the telephone companies.
✔ Rental accommodation: if you rent the space where you currently live, check your contract to determine how much time in advance you should inform the landlord.
✔ Renting or selling your property: you will have to make a decision about your current property depending on whether your accommodation abroad is temporary or permanent. Renting your old home has the advantage of having additional income, and managing it with tenants can be through someone close to you or a real estate agency.
4. Money
Before moving abroad, exchange the cash you consider sufficient for the currency of the country you are going to. Some currencies may take some time, so be sure to request it in advance. For the first few days you can check if your credit or debit cards can be used to withdraw money abroad and what the daily limit would be. Also, check which cards you will need to take with you or, if they have a constant cost, decide to cancel them before you leave. Afterwards you could open a bank account so you can transfer money from another country; for this there are some tools such as Transferwise or any other that you find useful.
5. Anticipate and be prepared (basic issues):
✔ Plugs: If the outlet is different, you can buy a universal adapter to use for the first few days to charge your cell phone or computer without problems.
✔ Cell phone: Nowadays, for everything we do, we need a cell phone and internet, whether to communicate or to navigate in an unfamiliar place. Anticipate and investigate the phone companies and the plan you could hire when you arrive at your destination.
✔ Accommodation: If accommodation abroad is up to you, it will be one of the first tasks you will have to do when you arrive in your new country. To reduce stress most people anticipate by opting for a hotel or a temporary rental to later move to a permanent home.
We hope these tips have been helpful, if you are interested in traveling to Cancun Mexico, the paradise of the Caribbean to work in the job of your dreams, do not hesitate to apply and fill out our form so we can contact you and get to know each other through a virtual meeting! Don't hesitate and join the dream team!