
Preparing Yourself for a New Job

Preparing Yourself for a New Job

So, you have found your dream job and you start on Monday. Wow! Congratulations! You feel inspired and motivated but at the back of your mind you are a little nervous about what to expect. And quite rightly, being a little nervous is natural and will help you to make a good impression during your first days at your new job.

Here is some advice to help you in your new job:

Get a good night’s sleep

Get a good night’s sleep

Got to bed early the night before you start a new job so that you are on your best form.

Eat breakfast

Eat breakfast

Leave time to eat a good breakfast with slow releasing carbohydrates like oats before your first day of a new job so that if you miss the break time or lunch because you are still finishing things up, you won’t have a total meltdown.

Ask Questions

Ask Questions

Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions. And ask a second time if need be. Sometimes the people who are training you, have forgotten what it is like to be new, and some things might seem obvious to them but totally new and foreign to you.

Take notes

Take notes

This is important. Some people think it is uncool or a sign of weakness to take notes. However, remember that you will look even more uncool when you get things wrong because you forgot what your trainer said. Nowadays, with smart phones it is easy to take notes. You can even record your trainer or take photographs of important details.

Don’t plan many social activities in your first week

Don’t plan many social activities in your first week

The best way to make a good start in a new job is to commit yourself completely to the task at hand, dedicating your energy and concentration in your new job. Save your social activities until the weekend.

If you have any more tips for starting a new job, please add them to the comment box.