Types of Timeshare Jobs in Mexico

Amongst all the job opportunities that can be found in Mexico, the atmosphere in timeshare roles is perhaps the most welcoming and relaxing of all. The working hours for timeshare jobs in Mexico are not that extended, you get to work in the most stunning surroundings every day and the opportunities for advancement are many. Here are some of the best paying timeshare jobs in Mexico:
OPC - Outdoor Promotional Canvassers
OPCs (promoters) meet prospects for timeshare every single day! In order to fulfil this role you need to be a “people person”: friendly, humorous, outgoing. These are the attributes which will help you get ahead in these types of timeshare jobs in Mexico. In this role it will be your job to break the ice, initiate a dialogue and build a sense of trust with prospective clients. As a gesture of goodwill you can offer different gifts, discounts on tours and activities or vouchers for restaurants for example. Keep in mind that many people come to such presentations and meetings for the benefits and may have decided not to buy anything – it’s your job to give them a reason to change their minds!
Sales Executives
A sales executive, or representative, is key when it comes to driving business. They do so by educating, persuading and informing potential clients of the value and benefits associated with becoming a timeshare owner or vacation club member. In order to fill this position you’ll need to be precise, conscientious and people orientated (a little charisma wouldn’t hurt either) as you’ll be responsible for setting up presentation and researching the likes and dislikes of visitors. The idea is to know which kind of tour, presentation and membership package will appeal most to certain prospects. Certainly one of the best timeshare jobs in Mexico.
The average day in this position begins with breakfast with a group of clients who will likely be vacationing in the area. After breakfast you can take them on a tour of the resort, answer any questions that are put to you and begin the sales presentation. You should provide them with their purchase option and try to keep in mind any budget they may likely have. It takes no small amount of skill to show a prospective buyer all the benefits of buying a timeshare worth anywhere between 90 and 200k in just 90 minutes, but it is possible.
The best thing about this job in Mexico, though, (if you discount the great weather and beautiful surroundings) is the fact that you’ll generally be done work by 1 or 2 in the afternoon!
Senior Sales Executive
A senior sales executive or representative does all that any sales person would for this job in Mexico, but follows up the presentation with the explanation of the full program should any client decide to invest. This includes getting the new member to fill out the worksheet and getting a form of payment. The main thing is to keep in mind that this is not the same as regular ‘sales’ jobs in Mexico. It’s not like retail, car sales or even insurance sales where basic salaries are in place as you have to wait to be approached by a client. This is a much more active role in which clients come daily and results are expected from you.
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