
Is Your Job Right for You?

Is Your Job Right for You?

Knowing when a job is right for you will go a long way to ensuring your happiness, and the happiness of those close to you. It might seem like an obvious desire that you should like your job, but in today’s world full of job uncertainty and financial insecurity, many people are stuck in jobs that they don’t like because of necessity. Nevertheless, knowing if a job is right for you is the first step towards finding the ideal job.

Here are some ways you can tell if a job is right for you.



Loving what you do is a key part to knowing that your job is right for you. If you feel inspired by the tasks you carry out everyday, you are very likely to be doing your dream job. Feeling inspired to get out of bed in the morning and start your day is a good indication that your job is right for you.



Inspiration is not enough when it comes to your dream job. Loving your job does not always mean that you earn enough to pay your bills and follow your dreams. You know that you are in the right job when what you earn is more than enough for the lifestyle you wish to enjoy. 

Stay longer

Stay longer

If you find yourself staying longer than your stipulated work hours BY CHOICE, it is very likely that you are in the right job for you. On the other hand, if you find yourself staying extra time out of necessity (without getting paid for your time), then the contrary is true. People who love their job don’t mind staying longer at work to finish a project.



Part of being in the right job is being praised and rewarded for our efforts. Most of us enjoy being rewarded financially, but likewise, being recognized for our efforts with praise from our superiors can also be a great motivator. Bonuses and goals are the perfect way to receive praise in a job.


Finally, having the right work-life balance is key to knowing if you are in the right job or not. If you live to work, rather than work to live, you might want to think about your priorities.

What are the key factors for you in knowing you are in the right job? Leave your comments.